This LinkedIn star shares her 6 tips for becoming a recruiter magnet

On the occasion of the release of his book “Become a magnet for recruiters on Linkedin!” On November 23, Karim Hechmi, known as Tonton Karim, shared with JDN some tips on how to turn social media into a professional showcase.

You have a Linkedin account, but you use it without thinking much about it. To get noticed, Karim Hechmi, better known as Tonton Karim on the social network, has some tips. The one who was chosen by Linkedin France as Top Voice in 2022 and 2023 is convinced: “no matter where you are in life: student, entrepreneur, manager… You obviously have an interest in being on this platform.” Six tips on how to do it right.

#1 Activate your network while on duty

The network is being built for the long term. “A lot of people say to themselves ‘quick, I want to change jobs, I’ll update my profile’… but it’s too late, warns Tonton Karim. You have to develop your network on a daily basis to be able to activate it during the day where we need it.” By sending invitations to join your network to people working in the same profession or to people at a higher level and then starting a discussion. Likewise, keep your profile up-to-date even when you’re in the office: “recruiters regularly create pools of candidates,” recalls Karim Hechmi, who founded an HR consultancy eight years ago to support recruitment companies.

#2 Comment on posts

Obviously, posting regularly allows you to expand your network. But if you have nothing to publish, there is another possibility: comment on publications dealing with topics you know. “This way you become visible to your network, but especially to the network of people whose posts you comment on,” insists Tonton Karim. “It can give your profile a big boost.” Commenting also highlights your expertise. “This reassures potential recruits, who have the impression that they know you better,” notes Karim Hechmi.

#3 Take the opportunity to say more things than on your resume

A CV of no more than one page is obviously limiting. Use your Linkedin account to provide more details. “If you have numbers, results regarding your experiences, you have to highlight them. Recruiters like to find more information on your Linkedin profile than in your resume, Karim Hechmi noted. And outside the profile, they will of course look at how you communicate on the platform, which what you post, what you comment on, what you like.”
Linkedin also highlights the top voices, companies, newsletters and schools you follow on your page. “Check if these elements match the activity sector you are targeting, recommends Tonton Karim. For example, if you are passionate about aeronautics and want to work in this sector, follow Boeing, Airbus, Air France and big influencers in the sector. This will convince the recruiter in to his desire to meet you, he will say that you will be able to have many interesting discussions on this subject.”

#4 Think about keywords

As with Google, there are problems with SEO on Linkedin. Indeed, recruiters sometimes go straight through social media keyword searches to find that rare gem. “Linkedin is a huge library of resumes for recruiters today, confirms Karim Hechmi. Posting a job offer is so expensive and time-consuming to write, then you have to sort resumes, contact candidates, interview several of them…” When you write your profile , do not forget to include keywords of the target sector of activity, for example programming language if you are a developer.

#5 Fill out all sections of your profile

“If your profile is not perfectly filled out, the Linkedin algorithm penalizes it and does not show you on the first pages of results,” warns Karim Hechmi. The banner, for example, is stupid, but it’s better to have a black background than any banner. The summary is also important, it is the only place where you can say a little about your life. Finally, you need to have the right profile title, i.e. ‘journalist’ or ‘business developer’, adds the specialist, not ‘student’ or ‘retraining’: you need a function.” On your profile, a progress bar (which only you can see) tells you what level of completion you are at and the parts you still have to complete.
If you’re applying, “check that the dates and experiences listed on your profile match those listed on your resume,” advises Karim Hechmi. A lack of consistency could scare away recruits.

#6 Forget open work

If you are looking for a job or are open to new professional opportunities, Linkedin suggests stating this on your profile by placing the #opentowork banner (literally “open to work”) on your photo. But Karim Hechmi has some reservations about its use. “The tool is well made and can help in the context of job hunting and studies or internships, he admits. On the other hand, in other situations it’s not incredible. In France, unfortunately, say ‘Hey, I’m in trouble, I’m looking for a job’ remains taboo.” The founder of the personnel consulting agency FindYourWay explains this by the fact that recruiters on the French market prefer to catch someone who is employed rather than hiring someone who does not have a job. “However, it’s possible to make #opentowork visible only to recruiters, which is great,” he recommends.

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