The Ruffec Vocational High School sets the European project on the right track

INnot the locomotive rounded or more square? At the Ruffécois, there will be a decision between two wooden prototypes made by Louise-Michel high school students, which will be exhibited in the town hall square between December 8 and 20. The first realization of an unprecedented project…

INnot the locomotive rounded or more square? At the Ruffécois, there will be a decision between two wooden prototypes made by Louise-Michel high school students, which will be exhibited in the town hall square between December 8 and 20. The first realization of the new “European Train” project, which will be completed by Christmas 2024. What is it about? A wooden model train built in collaboration with twelve Spanish high school students from the Fernando-Aguilar high school in Cádiz and eleven Italian high school students from the Giovani Sello art school in Udine. It is up to them to make two or three wagons that they will attach to the Ruffec locomotive.

“A very interesting topic with a very strong symbolic value: the train is a way to go somewhere together, like our countries in the European Union.”says Pier Francesco Candotti, a professor of design and interior design at an Italian high school, who came this week for the first time to meet his French and Spanish colleagues at Ruffeco.

The train is a way to go somewhere together, like our countries in the European Union.

The visit, which marks the beginning of the project at the European level, is led by Carlotta Buiatti, a professor of French as a foreign language who is fluent in Spanish and Italian and provides translation. “The most important thing is to create bridges between our three culturesadmits Maria Orellana, a Spanish technology teacher whose students are drawing plans for the wagon. The transition from plans to creating volume is magical. There will be even more when we assemble all the elements of the train. »

Eighth graders 1D bac pro wooden construction in Ruffec will not say the opposite, those who are the most advanced in this process. “A fun way to learn assembly techniques like mortises and wedges,” says Tanguy Jamin, who is part of the semi-group that will go to Italy in May. “Super motivating projectcontinue the two brothers Quentin and Killian Louradour, curious if the workshop at the high school in Udine is better equipped than the one at the Louise-Michel high school. Above all, we will discover other landscapes and perhaps other methods of work. »

80% recycled pallets

One of the goals of this project. Not the first to target Spain and Italy for Louise-Michel High School (read CL May 12, 2022). “Students need to see something else, get out of their usual comfort zone, expand their horizons, discover other culturespoints out Baptiste Abraham, head of the workshop. It is an unforgettable experience that will be remembered for a long time. » “It also allows them to do internships abroad, a great opportunity,” adds his colleague Benoît Benetoux, while next year Spanish and Italian students will work with their French colleagues.

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Ruffec: those who love him will build a train

The city of Ruffec is joining forces with the Louise-Michel Vocational High School to create a wooden model train. Participatory project that mobilizes high school students and volunteers from Ruffec and even two European high schools.

Until then, a lot of technical details remain to be resolved. Bent over the two prototypes, the Italian and Spanish teachers measure, photograph and take notes. “The form must be in phase with the idea”defends Pier Francesco Candotti, who would see “stylized hands clasped together connect the locomotive and the wagons. »

The future European train will in any case have a strong environmental emphasis. “We basically use 80% recycled pallets for construction,” explain to the students. An idea that initially came from an employee of the city of Ruffec, a stakeholder in the project, who will eventually return the wooden train. “To then display it in different places in the city depending on the events we organize,” specifies Mayor Thierry Bastier, who plans to set up a ballot box at City Hall in December so that Ruffécois can vote for their favorite prototype. “With a parallel online voting system. »

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