Ruffec: students parade like stars

vsIt’s not yet fashion week in Paris. But seeing the bow ties, ironed shirts and flirty dresses, we almost thought we were there on a Wednesday morning at the Val-de-Charente College in Ruffec. The tense atmosphere for the first parade of elegance, repatriated between the reception and the school playground to avoid…

vsIt’s not yet fashion week in Paris. But seeing the bow ties, ironed shirts and flirty dresses, we almost thought we were there on a Wednesday morning at the Val-de-Charente College in Ruffec. A tense atmosphere for the first parade of elegance, brought back to the homeland between the reception and the school yard to avoid showers, which gathered 50 student volunteers. “The parade we added to the day of elegance as part of the second edition of Living Together Week”, specifies the principal Ernesto de Macedo, whose team launched this special week last year to strengthen cohesion and promote a peaceful school climate. Especially the fight against prejudice, discrimination and harassment.

Each group painted their portrait in a glamorous setting.

Photo by CL

It’s about accepting others, accepting their appearance, respecting their clothes. A suit is not necessarily a “shame”.

This week comes at the right time after the terrorist attack that claimed the life of a teacher in Arras last Friday. “It was all the more important to maintain it: we must continue to live and defend the values ​​of the republican school”, continues Ernesto de Macedo, pointing to the day dedicated to equality between girls and boys this Thursday and diversity on Friday. Continuation of the parade of elegance this Wednesday, associated with the day of decency.

Sixteen groups of two to five students paraded with candy and movie tickets that could be won.

Sixteen groups of two to five students paraded with candy and movie tickets that could be won.

Photo by CL

Butterfly bow and the fight against discrimination, almost the same fight? “It’s about accepting others, accepting their appearance, respecting their clothes. A suit is not necessarily a “shame”. And this is a way of instilling common values: we dress differently at different times, for example, we don’t come to a job interview in jogging pants! “, defends the principal, also praising “the festive, lighter side, which is good in the current context. »

Parade with cheers

Some did not hesitate to play with summer and winter fashion.

Some did not hesitate to play with summer and winter fashion.

Photo by CL

All you have to do is see fifty students, from 6e at 3e, parade in groups of two to five to the acclamations of their comrades. There are no catwalks except ribbons and barriers for models for a day. And a sound system blasting hits by Cyndi Lauper, Eurythmics and Madonna as students parade from the reception hall to the new college building. Where they are photographed in a glamorous setting, under spotlights and a flower crown.

The editors advise you

“My girlfriend and I are coordinated: in a skirt and a T-shirt”, launched by Eva-Rose, at 6e. “We are here to show that we are modernfriends Diana and Pascaline laugh, in dresses they never wore at school. We would have the impression of being overdressed! » “Me, the shirt I usually wear for Christmas or for a class photo, admits Lorenzo, in 6ewho parades with his friend Matthé. We’re usually in sweatpants, that’s a change. » John, at 3eshe replaced her usual pants with a dress. “It will create beautiful memories for us”says Gabriella, at 4e.

Including two friends parading around in a hat and ski goggles for one, a straw hat and flip flops for the other. Facetiousness, not elegance. A laugh parade, like the names of the groups, Gentlemen de la Hess, Sexystars, Elegant Stars or The Ninjas. “Everyone tried their best, enjoy Éléonore and Emmett, two high school students from 3edressed to the nines, responsible for hosting the parade. We are happy that we have a festive event, and not a school one, which brings together all the students”

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