Helping others to persevere

Malika Richard, a Master of Guidance in the Faculty of Education, received a gold medal from the Governor General of Canada during Convocation on September 23 from the Chancellor of the University of Sherbrooke, Pierre Cosset.
Photo: Michel Caron UdeS

Persevere with the motivation of helping others persevere in return. Then shine. This sums up the academic career of Malika Richard, who was just awarded a Gold Medal by the Governor General of Canada at her convocation where she earned her Masters in Guidance.

This medal is awarded to graduates who achieved the best academic grade at the end of their studies. This is the most prestigious award a student attending a Canadian educational institution can receive. This is not trivial and there is much to be proud of.

Passionate about people and career guidance

The factors that can explain Malika’s academic performance are multiple: her motivation to fully grasp the concepts presented in class in order to become a qualified professional at the end of her studies, her constant efforts throughout her career, the moral support of her loved ones, the fact that she was well-adjusted the university environment (especially the study conditions) because she was immersed there for several years, the contagious interest of professors and lecturers in the subject they were teaching, the latter’s availability to answer students’ questions, including their own.

I would also say that I am passionate about people, including their educational, professional and personal orientation. This passion that drives me also had an impact on optimizing my academic performance as I had to conduct orientation processes with clients as part of my studies.

A course focused on helping interpersonal relationships

His academic career, in addition to being exemplary, follows tracks in which the relationship of helping prevails: a bachelor’s degree in psychology, then a certificate in guidance, to round it all off with a master’s degree in guidance. This is because Malika strongly believes in education, in the ability of everyone to find their own way to it with help, respect and trust.

I consider it important and motivating to contribute to the professional and personal well-being of individuals around me, exploiting their potential and supporting them to take their place in society at all stages of life.

For Malika, it is important to help others in choosing their studies and career, as she values ​​the development of socio-professional autonomy that results from this.

In my opinion, it is crucial to offer this type of support as it allows individuals to make better decisions on a personal, academic and professional level.

If Malika feels that she has received a lot of support during her career, now it is her turn to give it back as she has been working at the Cégep de Sherbrooke as a substitute as an individual teaching assistant since last September. Is the circle closed? Only the future will tell.

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