End of crossing for Ile aux Marins. The time has come to settle the score for P’tit Gravier – Saint-Pierre and Miquelon first

This Sunday, October 29, P’tit Gravier sailed for the last time. An opportunity to preview the season for a small boat and its crew.

Raise the deck and dive in! For the last time before the winter period, Petit Gravier connected Saint-Pierre with Ile aux Marins. The last passengers are mostly residents of Ile au Marins who closed their houses behind them.

See the report by Karim Baïla with pictures by Bérénica Del Tatto:


The end of the P’tit Gravier rotation heralds the end of the good weather. Six round trips a day since May, the 2023 campaign was just right according to the ship’s captain. This year there were 10,500 passengers. It must be said that the return of foreign tourists stimulated ferry activity.

We had a lot of tourists from Quebec and Canada, it was good!

Philippe Vigneau, captain of the ship P’tit Gravier

The season was very intense for the ship and its crew. The rest announced for the winter is welcome.

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