They promote science in the Charente

Aurélia, converted… by her children

At first glance, science was not his cup of tea. Aurélia Balitran is an art therapist and head of cultural coordination at ADAPEI Charente. “Artist profile”, she smiled. If she has broadened her horizons, it is primarily under the influence of… her children. Esteban, 13 years old, and Salomé, 10 years old, converted her. “They are curious about everything. I followed them, as a mother, when they were little at scientific workshops at Espace Mendès-France. I found it extraordinary”. And Aurélia Balitran wanted to share this discovery with the public she oversees in her work, especially with people with disabilities. “It immediately worked very well”. Workshops “Who follows me honey”, “Tell me what you eat”, mobile planetarium, noted Aurélia Balitran, mayonnaise sets without difficulty: “There is no secret. When we manage to make science concrete, accessible and understand how it is part of our daily lives, we unite.”

Sylvie, the science teacher… in another life

Sylvie Chastagnol in the Scientific Books Department of the Lisa Documentation Center.
SU’s photo

She remembers that “in another life”, was a professor of physics. That partly explains it. Sylvie Chastagnol is a documentary filmmaker at Lisa, the high school for image and sound of Angoulême. She accepted (and succeeded) the challenge: to install science around festive events in the institution “with an artistic sign”. “Already 10 years of cooperation with Espace Mendès-France”, she congratulates herself. The commitment of the teaching staff as a whole, not just the mathematics and physics teachers. And the notable investment of the students. Example: “Young people from Pierre-Bodet College (to my campaign) came to Lisa to participate in practical scientific work, and they were supervised by Lisa’s final year students”she emphasizes.

For the fun that starts this week, and under the guidance of the teacher-librarian, there will be sports in the high school corridors, with the interventions of numerous guests: “We will especially install bicycles and step machines”. Obviously with a scientific meaning. “Opportunity to find out how many calories were burned after exercise”.

There is no secret: when we manage to concretize science, we unite.

Dounia and Chrystelle, public education as a standard

Dounia Squali and Chrystelle Manus.SU’s photo

They are the successors of the popular educational network. Convinced that the scientific approach is a lever for training the citizens of tomorrow. Dounia Squali is the department coordinator of the association Les Petits Débrouards. Chrystelle Manus is the project manager at Espace Mendès-France.

With Audrey Andrieu, from Francas – guided by the same values ​​- and in partnership with Amicale jeunesse du Montmorélien and L’Oison, Espace de vie sociale du Sud Charente, mobilized this Saturday, October 7, in Montmoreau, for an afternoon of sharing, around science and sports. “In my value system, the result is not always important, but the path we went through together to achieve it”entrusts Dounia Squala.

“Science is a wonderful vector for bringing knowledge to citizensChrystelle Manus is delighted. We are a small link in the chain. Happy that we are going to the field to make our contribution. Especially in rural areas.

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