MICE tourism: Vietnam presents its potential to Belgian tour operators

MICE tourism: Vietnam presents its potential to Belgian tour operators

Vietnam’s tourism market, particularly MICE tourism, was presented to Belgian travel agencies during a conference held on Thursday (November 9th) in Antwerp, Belgium.

>> Ho Chi Minh City is developing event tourism

>> Da Nang, an ideal destination for MICE tourism

>> The new visa policy facilitates group travelers and MICE tourism

The event was attended by representatives of ten travel companies and agents operating in the Vietnamese market.

On this occasion, General Manager of Asian Trails Vietnam, Bùi Viêt Thuy Tiên, said that Vietnam is strong in MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferencing, Exhibitions) tourism, thanks to the diversity of its tourist destinations. In addition, Vietnam is a convenient transit point for flights to Laos and Cambodia, she added.

Sharing with Vietnam News Agency (VNA) Brussels correspondent, Bùi Viêt Thuy Tiên said that after the COVID-19 pandemic, the MICE tourism market, which has attracted the attention of Belgian visitors, needs to be revived.

At the event, Tran Ngoc Quân, Vietnam’s Trade Advisor in Belgium, informed the participants about Vietnam’s new visa policies, including the extension of e-visa validity from one to three months, creating more favorable conditions for foreign tourists in Vietnam.

Although Khomeriki, a representative of the travel agency APG – the sales agent of Vietnam Airlines in Belgium, said that the Vietnamese airline is a favorite among travelers traveling to Vietnam. After the COVID-19 pandemic, the national carrier increased its flights to Europe again in June 2022. It is a good condition for European tourists to explore Vietnam.

During the conference, representatives of Belgian travel agencies confirmed that they will continue to represent Vietnamese tourism to their customers in Belgium and Europe.


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