Love at first sight for the Faculty of Education of UdeS

Photo: Michel Caron UdeS

Mrs. Colette Deaudelin has a master’s degree at the Faculty of Education. She was also a full-time professor at UdeS, vice-dean and dean of the Faculty of Education. Mrs. Deaudelin fell in love at first sight when she first visited the center for preschool education Brin d’univers and the Faculty of Education of UdeS. She later decided to study there, and later to work there. In this interview, he shares with us his history with UdeS, the importance of education and his choice to contribute to tomorrow’s society by supporting the Faculty of Education.

What is your history with the University of Sherbrooke?

When I was a young teacher, I welcomed the first intern from the University of Sherbrooke. At the time I was teaching in a school board some 60 km from Sherbrooke. During a campus associate meeting, my intern showed me Brin d’univers, which was in its infancy. It was love at first sight! From the schedule and the presentation my intern gave me, I could see that there was something very stimulating going on there.

I also saw the dynamism of the Faculty of Education. Then, after a few months, I made the decision to enroll in a master’s degree in preschool and elementary school education, while continuing to teach. The team of professors at the Department of Preschool and Elementary Education gave me great support: Loïc Therrien, my dissertation supervisor, Bernard Hérault, Sister Cécile, Sister Huguette, Sister Rita, Dieter Lunkenbein, to name just a few. These people opened the doors of their class to me so that I could present my master’s project and gain my first experience as an assistant or lecturer.

I had the opportunity to return, but this time as a professor at the beginning of 2000. There, I again felt all the energy and vitality of the Faculty, which had about a hundred professors.

Why do you think it is important to support UdeS?

It is really important to support UdeS, but especially the Faculty of Educational Sciences, which for me represents a universe that I would describe as strategic in these times when the world of education is facing numerous challenges, especially in the initial and permanent training plan for staff. The approximately 15 years I spent there in various positions confirmed the love at first sight that I had.

The faculty was and still wants to preserve, or even improve, what characterizes it, what makes up its DNA, namely its innovative projects, its dynamism and the quality of the training it offers. It is important to mention that he has always integrated and appreciated the link between training and practice thanks to, among other things, the partnership with communities, a partnership that he continues to develop today.

What are the University of Sherbrooke values ​​that appeal to you the most?

The words that characterize the Faculty for me are innovation, dynamism, but above all it is the human side that has the advantage. UdeS stands out through its people: support staff, experts, teaching teams (lecturers or professors) and those responsible for administration. I have always felt that if we are all there, it is to offer students the best possible training.

UdeS is a place where everything is possible! I would like to add that the Faculty of Education of UdeS is for me a path of discovery, encouragement, surpassing myself, achievement and opening up to new people.

What were your motives for donating?

I created the College of Education’s Colette Deaudelin Scholarship Fund, which aims to award scholarships to provide financial support to students returning to school. During my years of teaching or administration, either at the Professional Doctorate in Pedagogical Sciences or in the Faculty Administration as a vice dean, I met many students.

I have often noticed how difficult career choices are for young adults. Their path leads them to change programs and even colleges. I must say that I was also inspired by the experience of my niece Annie, who returned to school to become a special education teacher and social teacher, and also worked as a special education teacher.

I wanted to support people who, like her, want to change careers and realize their dream of working in education, regardless of the field of activity or the targeted program. What is fantastic is that it is possible for all of us to make a donation to support and promote what we are passionate about and what is close to our hearts.

What effect would you like to have through this philanthropic gesture?

The fund I created modestly contributes to the financial support of people who want to achieve their dreams, surpass themselves and work in education. Of course, when it comes to education, we cannot ignore the social impact. With all that is happening in education today, the Faculty must hire the best possible people to help reduce the shortage of academic staff.

I strongly believe that this includes hiring people who are already employed and motivated to work in education, whether that requires undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate education.

What message do you want to leave with this testimony?

I am convinced that education is the only way that will allow us as a society to respond to the challenges facing us and the next generations, for a better future. Education is key and that is why we must invest in our great Faculty.

We must all be concerned about education, and perhaps especially about the development of critical thinking in children, young people and adults. What happens next and our planetary future depends on it, because the challenges are huge.

In order to achieve this societal goal of educating all, it is absolutely necessary to support the College through sustainable means that go beyond funding trends or cuts from various governments. A donation to the foundation is the means of choice.

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