Lissac-et-Mouret. New projects and activities in Repaire

We met Isabelle Géha, the very active director of Repaire des 2 Vallées to study the association’s projects.

Where are you with regard to your Territorial Education Project (PEDT)?

We are working on its restoration with local educational stakeholders. Our PEDT covers four years, from 2024 to 2027, with the aim of sustainable development. Children are the ones who build our future. We young people have acquired eco-citizen habits: sorting waste, turning off lights, repairing instead of throwing away… We will work with Syded du Lot. Training on working with the composter will be held for heads of repair and intervention at ALSH for all ages.

What are your other projects?

As part of the REAAP (Parent Listening, Support and Accompaniment Network) in partnership with CAF, we will continue our knowledge sharing actions, parent/child workshops and handbook joint activities. Interventions by beekeepers, guitarists, musicians and journalists are planned. The porcelain painting workshop is scheduled for after class.

Do you have new activities within the Social Life Space (EVS)?

Yes, since the beginning of November, two new workshops have appeared: a social dance workshop and an infused (contemporary) dance workshop. Now it is Alaina who leads the tap sessions and Florence who offers yoga for children aged 6 and up. Furthermore, as part of the “Promeneurs du Net”, in cooperation with OSRH and National Education, Repaire has been working at the Planioles school since November 14, in two grades III. cycle, on the topic of cyber harassment, social networks and artificial intelligence. Nine sessions are scheduled for each class: three informative, three preventive, three for developing positive aspects of new communication technologies.

In conclusion ?

I invite everyone to the Repaire brunch that will take place on Sunday, November 26 at the village hall of Lissac-et-Mouret. Everyone will be welcomed with smiles by the volunteers mobilized for this friendly meal.

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