Grammar. Increasing number of requests for computers distributed by Ordi’Lot

On Thursday, November 9, the distribution of computers took place at Collège Sainte Hélène as part of Operation Ordi’Lot 2023. An operation whose success cannot be denied after 14 years of existence. 19 laptops were handed over that day. A significant amount, which clearly increases compared to previous years to the satisfaction of even the most modest families. “This operation has several positive consequences. In addition to restoring ties within the family, it responds to the increasingly important need for education and children. Here we again measure the consequences of COVID, which increased the demands and played on the teaching conditions. through online homework or video lessons. This assigning children allows them to facilitate their work in families due to remote work that occupies adults and their own equipment. Teachers had to They also increase their skills. explains Martine Mansy, director of the Saint Hélène school complex. Caroline Mey-Fau, department advisor, visited the college during distribution.

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