INPI opens two new public inquiries

l’INPI launched two new public trials on November 10 with the intention of improving the markup file for Camargue boots and more Pierre de Viannein the race for Geographical Indication (GI)..

Associations, companies, consumers and connoisseurs of these products are invited to comment draft specifications established for each future GI, to enrich it with concrete observations.

This online consultation will end January 10, 2024. Depositories of geographical origin claims will then formulate their final specifications prior to final approval by INPI.

Camargue boot, successor to the “guardian”

l’Camargue Boots Association is in the process of filing a GI application on September 19. Its goal is to promote the object of “identity and culture, recognized for its strength”.

One company (Guardian boot) still produces “Camargue boots”. Originally worn by Camargue horsemen, “herdsmen” are leather boots and ankle boots of a specific shape.

The association recommends it to everyone boot manufacturing operations (tailoring, sewing, assembly, assembly and finishing) are carried out in a geographical area covering 30 communes in the Gard, 18 communes in the Hérault and 10 communes in the Bouches-du-Rhône.

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Stone from Vianna

Association Natural stones from Aquitaine filed for a GI on October 17 to promote and protect Pierre de Vianne, a rugged, marble-looking limestone rock with beige to pink hues.

The fortresses of Vianne, the bridge on the Agen canal, the Pont de Pierre de Bordeaux and the castles of Montgaillard and Nérac were built with this natural stone. There Pierre de Vianne contributed to the development of local knowledge and experiences. Its use is diverse: from the restoration of historical monuments to construction, including decoration.

Until today, only Quarry Lavardac (Lot-et-Garonne) is open and managed. The request for designation of geographical origin covers the activities of quarrying and stone processing. Extraction they must be limited to the area comprising Vianne, Lavardac, Nérac, Barbaste, Feugarolles, St-Pierre de Buzet, Buzet sur Baïse, Mongaillard, Bruch, Réaup-Lisse and Andiran. Transformationit should only be carried out in the department of Lot-et-Garonne.

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