Climate disruption: has the point of no return been reached?

Entrepreneurship – climate disruption: has the point of no return been reached?

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Written by Bernard CHAUSSEGROS

In the second half of the 20th centurye century, we remember that the climatic conditions of our country were strongly expressed and that seasons with very different characteristics clearly marked the year. Winters there were particularly cold and often snowy, even in the plains, including Île-de-France.

Today we see that ski resorts, in the Alps or the Pyrenees, are reduced to making artificial snow in order to ensure ever shorter tourist seasons for communities and athletes. As for the mid-mountain resorts of Auvergne, Vosges or Vercors, they know that in order not to close, they will have to diversify their activities.

Our house is burning, and we are looking away »

More than 20 years ago, on September 2, 2002, President Jacques Chirac caused astonishment in his speech at the IV plenary assembly.e Earth Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, saying: “Our house is on fire and we are looking elsewhere.” Many took this claim as a joke or an exaggeration.

Faced with climate skeptics who were very active at the time, the head of state referred to the already noticeable global warming and highlighted the destruction of nature. Criticizing the indifference of the inhabitants of the Earth in the face of the predicted catastrophe, he made known the importance of the trials to come and directly evoked the dangers that threaten the entire human species.

Since then, the IPCC reports have multiplied, and the warnings launched during various COP meetings (conferences of the parties, i.e. the UNFCCC signatory states) have not always really convinced either climate skeptics or industry supporters, yet the source of the excesses caused by greenhouse gases (GHG) and carbon dioxide.

Fogo, a smart radiator

We will have to pay the bill for this disruption

We may think that the recent damage caused, in France and Europe, by the devastating passage of storms called CIARAN and DOMINGOS, is beginning to provoke public opinion more and more fiercely. The victims, whose number has only been increasing in recent days, and the trauma related to natural phenomena that we thought existed only in the tropics, left an indelible impression.

The force of the wind, the fury of the ocean, the inexorable retreat of the coast, the apocalyptic vision of houses destroyed or destroyed by wind and flood, land washed away by streams that have become sudden and unstoppable, speak for themselves – the same. Dramas to which we can add what we have experienced in recent years, gigantic fires and extraordinary earthquakes. What might sometimes seem very far to us, because seen from behind the screens of our televisions, will concern us all very quickly and very directly and wherever we are. And we will collectively have to foot the bill for this recurring disruption by having to support a likely spectacular increase in insurance premiums. As for this specific topic, the inflation that some claim is a result of the Ukraine conflict actually has nothing to do with it.

It is time for the states, starting from evolved »take the right measure with the warnings it sends us “ mother Nature »and from which we suddenly receive signals. We regularly talk about the efforts that are necessary today, undoubtedly on the part of citizens, certainly on the part of industrialists, but also on the part of political leaders whose decisions are both too timid and too uncertain. But the measures that will be taken soon will no longer have a chance to reverse the trend.

no! What we cannot hope for from now on will be at least a small minimization of the effects of climate change that scientists now consider irreversible, rising temperatures, melting glaciers, impact on crops, modification of properties, coasts and disappearance of entire regions, migration of peoples, etc.

We are paying a high price for industrial excesses due to over-consumption over at least two centuries of the planet’s natural resources, starting with fossil fuels, coal, gas and oil, whose production and actually consumption, they do not decrease, on the contrary, despite the warnings.

Financial interests and excessive profits remain the only driving force behind the evolution desired by decision-makers, before any consideration of the environment and the future of the planet. However, we have only one, whose unique outer limit is the atmosphere that provides us with oxygen and the anti-radiation filter necessary for all life.

We must add a topic that few commentators consider, the disproportionate impact of wars on our environment. Without making an exhaustive list of conflicts that have erupted throughout the world since the 18th centurye century, it is enough to mention the most dangerous ones that we have in our memory, from 1time from the World War to the war in Ukraine and now in the Middle East, to worry about the quantities of explosives and chemical materials of all kinds that are now polluting the European and Mediterranean soil.
For many people, wars are first of all pictures of fighting, dead, wounded and ruins, often in an abstract way, like in a hit movie. But the reality is quite different, that unknown part, in terms of quality and quantity, of toxic chemicals is buried and will remain in the soil for centuries. Collateral losses will continue to fall long after hostilities cease.


The poorest countries reacted to the noticeable indifference of the industrialized, and therefore also of those who pollute the most. For years, the non-aligned have wanted to unite, first, it seems, to fight, on an ideological level, against the omnipotence of the richest, then to exist on an economic level, and now to stand out from the ecological side. This is the goal that the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) have set themselves, convinced that they represent the economic powers of the 21st century.e century and that they are in the process of uniting new members around their obligations to economic growth. It is, in all probability, about Iran, Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, countries with limited resources for some, immeasurable for others.

One of the symbolic marks of this BRICS boldness that combines innovation, digital technology, zero carbon emissions, a definite shift to the post-oil era and political leadership supported by almost unlimited financial resources in the service of what is becoming the goal is the futuristic city project. ON LINE » initiated by Saudi Arabia. Located in the middle of the desert, it is a megastructure 170 km long and 200 m wide, surrounded by two surrounding walls covered with mirrors that should give the effect of a mirage, a futuristic city designed to eventually accommodate 9 million inhabitants, which without a car will be a maximum of 20 minutes from everything they need.

BRICS members intend to implement strong, sustainable and balanced global growth, based on structural reforms, innovation and building an open economy. Growth is indeed the chosen path of their future development.

Les Petits Culottés succeed without their own funds!

Top of the Three Pools

The summit of the three basins was held at the end of October 2023 in Brazzaville, at the active initiative of the President of the Republic of Congo, Denis Sassou-Nguesso. These are the forest basins of the Congo, the Amazon and the region of Southeast Asia between Borneo and the Mekong River. From this ambitious distribution on three continents, the Brazilian President Lula Da Silva and the President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Félix Tshisekedi, were, among others, associated with this immense project/reflection.

In addition, the summit was enriched by the protective and financial participation of other African heads of state, such as those of the Central African Republic, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau and Comoros. , but also French President Emmanuel Macron and United Nations Secretary General António Guterres.

The objective pursued by President Sassou-Nguesso, as he developed it in a recent interview, is not, contrary to what one might fear in light of the latent conflicts between France and various African nations. , but to proactively contribute to the natural desire of young Africans for freedom.

The goals are to help grow local economies in order to contribute to the stability and prosperity of the continent, to fight against immigration to Europe, but also to fight against the often deadly influence of jihadists.

With this approach around the innovative Three Basin Summit project recently launched by the Congolese President (thank you Mr. Sassou-Nguesso), political will is needed to create the basic conditions needed to create economic and economic partnerships. issues between countries affected by those issues. The priority is to preserve the subsoil of these forest basins with immeasurable wealth, which in particular preserve the largest reserves of carbon and biodiversity, and which are currently facing major structural challenges.

“Preserving the lungs of the planet… and our future generations”

We must put ourselves in a position to defend ourselves, and in order to do so, we must build a solid and common defense axis, respond to the dangers that await us and are increasingly present, prepare for disasters that are becoming common, recurring. which ultimately, like wars, people eventually get used to.

So, in the end, what will we leave as a legacy! And when we talk about inheritance, the question that touches us the most is “what will we leave to our own children?” A world torn by wars and ” natural elements “, earth (which trembles), water (which attacks us from the sea and rivers), the fire of volcanoes, but above all that of monsters and unstoppable fires caused by heat waves) and the air (which offers us its thunder storms), storms, tornadoes and cyclones ).

In the beginning there was earth! The man settled there! But what did he do with it?

Bernard Chaussegros

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