How tram Line 5 will change your daily life: tell us the inhabitants of the village of Montpellier

The comparison is perhaps a bit far-fetched. However, as for the Earth’s poles with global warming, the two ends of the future line 5 experience their appearance completely (or almost) disrupted.

And for good reason: until now anchored in a kind of pastoralism on the urban fringes, here are these parts of Montpellier suddenly intertwined with roads. It started in the last few years. But this was greatly accelerated by the construction of the tram. Which will inevitably lead to an almost total overhaul of the landscape tomorrow. Moving the boundaries of the city-metropolis even further.

Laure Houlès, 35 years old

Laure Houlès

“We are impatiently waiting for line 5. My husband and I mostly travel by bike, whether we go to work, take our daughter to school or go to the city center. To ensure all these trips, “we will definitely take tram 5, which will surely be faster and safer but by bike. Therefore, we are completely in favor of this new tram line project, which will be a plus for our settlement.”

M.-C. and A. Delprat, 72 years old

M.-C and A. Delprat

M.-C and A. Delprat

“We are completely in favor of the arrival of the tram. It’s a shame that it didn’t arrive at the end of 2017 as planned. It’s an excellent thing for our neighborhood, it brings us closer to the city center. It’s also good for real estate, which will increase in price. It’s also a good thing for elderly people who they don’t have a car, and access to the center is very difficult due to construction works and bicycle paths. They have to take buses that run for a long time.”

Bernadette Rouret, 65 years old

Bernadette Rouret

Bernadette Rouret

“Due to my current situation, I will often take it. What will change for me: access to the center of Montpellier will be simpler and faster. Very often I have to do administrative procedures and the tram will be available “very useful for that . I will also be able to visit friends more easily, regardless of the destination. But I say one big YES, when everything is in place and the tram starts. Even if the line takes detours to the city center and the access is not direct.”

Sonia Djouama, 60 years old

Sonia Djouama

Sonia Djouama

“I am completely in favor of the tram coming to this district. It is an easy and fast alternative to get around. I work here and I am very happy that soon I will be able to come by public transport. I really appreciate this mode of ecological transport. I hope this will stimulate economic activity and attract new businesses and services. It will make access to the city center easier for people in wheelchairs, pushchairs or people with mobility difficulties.”

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