5 million French people could save a lot of money with a simple request

4 out of 10 people miss out on several hundred euros in savings by forgetting to claim this state aid.

“Health has no price”: this old saying has never seemed so outdated. In fact, for several years now, expenses for medical care or the purchase of medicines represent an ever-growing hole in the wallets of the French. The phenomenon has greatly increased thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic. The latter increased the concern and thus the population’s spending on health, especially for buying masks or paying for tests.

As proof, a study carried out by Cofidis and CSA Research highlights that the average amount the French spend each year to pay for health costs has increased by €534 between 2018 and 2023. This amount has risen from €715 to €1,249 in just 5 years. years. Although part of this budget is reimbursed by social security companies or complementary mutual insurances, the rest remains significant for many households. Inflation is to blame, which has trapped the French between, on the one hand, the rising prices of medicines and medical procedures, and on the other, drastically reduced purchasing power.

As a result, while care costs are taking an increasingly dominant place in the budget of the French, fewer and fewer are seeking treatment. According to a study conducted this time by Ifop, almost a third of French people regularly give up visiting the doctor or buying medicines because they cost too much. The situation is, of course, worse when it comes to households with low incomes.

However, the aid helps reduce the health costs suffered by millions of people. It allows you to avoid paying for GPs, dentists, physiotherapists, hospitals and even certain medicines. This aid also helps to guarantee users access to dentures, hearing aids or even glasses without spending a single euro. The problem is that 44% of French people who are entitled to this help do not claim it, according to the Non-Recourse Observatory.

This social assistance is CSS for complementary health solidarity. It is available on request to all persons who fill out an online form on the health insurance website. However, it is necessary to fulfill several conditions to use CSS: to be entitled to health insurance, to have ASPA or RSA, to respect the income ceiling (salaries, pensions, etc.), which varies depending on the composition of the household

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