Sport and health: a day to raise awareness of physical activity among children in Auch

the important thing
More than 200 students from Gers gathered this Thursday, November 16 in the Mouzon d’Auch room, for an awareness day and a workshop on regular physical activity as part of the Sport & Health and Move 2.0 programs.

This Thursday, November 16, the Mouzon d’Auch room hosted 10 of the 30 primary school classes from the town of Auch and Gers registered in the Sport & Health and Move 2.0 programs. The event took place in the presence of Farid Djemmal, Director of Ministerial Services for National Education, and Charline Dumont, Deputy Mayor of Auch.

The goal of the day was to assess children’s physical activity and make them aware of the importance of daily movement, all through fun workshops. We could find rugby, sports and disability, athletics and even APQ (daily physical activity). “They have to be able to increase their physical activity on their own,” explains Farid Djemmal. This day and this program is the result of a collaboration between the Departmental Committee for Adapted Sports, the Sports Union for Primary Education (USEP), the French Union for Secular Physical Education (UFOLEP), the Departmental Rugby Committee and the Departmental Olympic and Sports Committee (CDOS).

During the rest of the year, League Against Cancer, another partner, will intervene in these lectures on topics related to nutrition, sleep and screens. “We will continue to support schools throughout the department. We are very mobilized to develop actions and encourage young people to move and give them good habits for health and well-being. To describe the project in one word: exemplary, and we will continue to try to make it known!” concludes Farid Djemmal.

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