Lavaur: Clauzades College students united against harassment

the important thing
This year again, the students and teaching teams of Clauzades College mobilized to express their rejection of any form of harassment.

If some neighboring faculties were content with distributing the mandatory questionnaire, a whole week of awareness raising was organized at the Clauzades faculty.

From the first day, numerous actions were carried out within the institution. So the college bell has been changed since Monday. The break and the end of classes were announced with an excerpt from the soprano song “Fragile”.

On the day of national mobilization, high school students expressed their solidarity with this goal by adopting a green “dress code”.
On that day, the principals of each class dedicated hours to the fight against peer violence. Students could complete a self-assessment chart to express their feelings before discussing the topic with their teachers.

During this week, students were also made aware of this issue with posters and information on the light board located in the entrance hall. Everyone was thus informed about the existence of the free number 3020, a support platform for victims and parents that processes 20,000 calls annually.

Video production

Numerous activities were offered to the students by the teaching teams and school life of the faculty: creative workshops and “escape game” type workshops or even recording and watching videos of sixth graders, videos visible on the faculty’s digital workspace (ENT) website.

The highlight of this week was the photo shoot in the school yard, where the students again this year gathered around the Do Not Disturb campaign! » (NAH). Of course, this mobilization will continue throughout the year with the same determination of the members of the “Lighthouse” team (harassment prevention plan for schools, colleges and high schools).

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