Rodez: on the way to employment with Orientation Night, the first in Aveyron

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry is organizing this first in Aveyron on Wednesday, November 22.

L“Difficulties with employment still exist”, recalls Dominique Costes, president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Aveyron (CCI). Based on this observation, the Consular Chamber with the Ministry of National Education and the Region of Occitanie linked numerous partners (Department, Pôle Emploi, local mission, Federation of Councils of Parents, Chamber of Agriculture, Catholic Education in Aveyron, Agricultural Education) to hold the first Orientation Night on Wednesday 22. November from 15:00 to 21:00 in the premises of the CCI.

An event that saw the light of day on a national level about fifteen years ago and has echoes in Aveyron. “It’s a test”says in this sense Dominique Costes who greets “collegial and cooperative spirit with watchword: stress-free discovery.”


Both the young people and the parents who are invited to accompany them, this concern creates anxiety, which is why Thierry Force, headmaster of La Roque High School in Oneto, says: “The date of the event is the best possible because there is pressure with the Parcours Sup. This orientation work allows you to choose your training “, GOOD “may it never be late”, adds Bernard Anglade, president of the Federation of Parents’ Councils (FCPE) in Aveyron, which is also organizing an orientation forum on February 10 at the IUT in Rodez, with the presence of numerous partners. An additional date that should be complementary for the enlightenment of young people.

Public also in reconversion

Using the principle of walking forward, they will be able to explore the premises of the CCI and discover 130 professions in the presence of 271 experts who will share their daily lives. In addition to discovering professions, this Orientation Night is also a place to welcome the audience for retraining. Thus, four spaces are intended: the largest, of course, refers to professions and meetings, a space for holding five conferences, a space for partners and therefore a space for orientation and self-discovery. The desire to minimize drama, to listen to young people as well as people who decide to change direction.

Break down preconceived notions

This need to offer the most comprehensive panel goes hand in hand with recruitment difficulties. “We have daily tensions, we need to work on the attractiveness of the profession. There is also a lack of awareness and representation”confides Yannick Dijols, director of the Pôle Emploi agency in Rodez.

Statements highlighted by Jean-Michel Julita, national education inspector responsible for information and guidance in Aveyron. “There are 4,000 jobs in education in Aveyron. Only 28% are women in the industry. We have to go even further”. “Public service is no longer a dream, so a real job awaits us”, adds Magali Bessaou, vice-president of the departmental council (read elsewhere). It is no coincidence that the poster for the event represents a young person. “We need to encourage girls to look for other careers, not hold them back”also declares on this point Christine Sahuet, representative of the Region, former president of the Chamber of Commerce and Crafts of Aveyron, metalworker by profession.

In numbers

130 occupations represented.

18 sectors of activity

271 experts to guide and witness their daily lives.

5 conferences (from dreams to projects, agricultural occupations, diversity of occupations, banking and IT occupations).

1 bus, that of the Region, the House of Mobile Orientation to provide expertise and digital tools.

“Discovering the world of business, entrepreneurship and careers is one of the keys to a successful career path.”

Alain Di Crescenzo, President

chambers of commerce

and industry France.

Foreign Legion, distinguished guest is looking for reservists

Are you interested in the military world, and in particular the Foreign Legion? That worked out well! Because during the orientation night, the 13th demi-brigade, located in La Cavalerie on the Larzac plateau, will hold a recruiting station for its operational reserve. Currently, it has about a hundred men, while the infantry regiment has 1,300 men… And the demand is still high. To be part of this operational reserve, you must be a French citizen, be at least 17 years old, have all the necessary skills, especially physical skills, complete your defense and citizenship and, of course, enjoy your civil rights. Then simply go to the website and fill out, in a few clicks, the online form. Volunteers will then be invited for an interview before a basic medical examination to join the operational reserve. Various missions are offered within it. Paid contracts – and net of taxes – can be extended from one to five years with an average presence of 30 days per year, specifically for Sentinel operations. “Don’t hesitate to come and ask for information during this orientation evening”representatives of the 13th DBLE La Cavalerie are advancing.

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