Orange Summer Challenge: Students serve sustainable development

The 3rd edition of the Orange Summer Challenge brought together teams of Ivorian students to present innovative solutions aimed at sustainable development. The event, which took place on November 10, 2023 in Abidjan, had the theme of Artificial Intelligence of Objects (AIoT). Teams made up of students from the best universities and colleges in the country presented projects focused on security, health and agriculture, thereby responding to the challenges of sustainable development.

Among the four presented projects, the first place was won by COCOA SHIELD, Agritech’s solution for protecting cocoa crops from a viral disease called “swollen shoot”. The winning team received a prize of 5,000,000 FCFA as well as personalized support from experts from the Orange Digital Center. For several years, Orange Digital Center has been dedicated to supporting young Ivorian citizens by helping them develop their projects and establish their own start-up companies.

Orange Digital Center OSC is a summer internship in the form of a three-month international competition, which enables young participants to acquire skills in software development, data science and artificial intelligence, with the aim of designing innovative technological solutions with a strong social impact. The main objective of this event is to develop the digital knowledge and experience of young people and help them find value-added jobs while promoting entrepreneurship, according to Mrs. Diack Latifa, Deputy Director of Innovative Services and Solutions at Orange Ivory Coast.

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