North of Toulouse, teaching variable geometry for class CE2

the important thing
In the second grade of the Vionsonneau primary school in Montastruc-la-Conseillère (31), there have been substitutes and periods without teachers since September. Every weekend, 27 schoolchildren in their class find out if they have a teacher… or not.

Faced with a situation of continued instability for the class at Vinsonneau elementary school in Montastruc-la-Conseillère, a town of 3,500 inhabitants northeast of Toulouse, the students’ parents, supported by mayor Jean-Baptiste Capel, are mobilizing.
At the start of the school year in September, this class of 27 CE2 students starts with two part-time school teachers. On September 18, one of the two teachers was given an administrative position following a request she made earlier. The replacement takes over temporarily.

From that date until today, the situation varies depending on availability. Every week, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning, students and parents sometimes see a substitute, sometimes no one! The children are then assigned to other classes in the school, a solution “that increases the number of students and does not allow good monitoring of education”.

Unanswered letters and angry parents

Several letters that the two parent associations, APE and FCPE, as well as the collective made up of the parents of the respective class, sent to the departmental inspection and the rector’s office remained unanswered. To this day, the management has not presented a permanent solution, and the week of continuation after the holiday of All Saints still passed without a replacement.

Angry parents “demand that the situation that punishes the students be put to an end quickly; eight-year-old children upset by these constant changes. Fortunately, they still have another teacher left for Thursday and Friday, who everyone would love to see full time! »

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