Nicolas Savornin updates his family’s infusions

the important thing
Nicolas Savornin founded his company Infuthés in November 2020 in Mouzieys-Teulet in Tarn. Offers organic teas and infusions. Originality, part of his compositions comes from the research of his ancestors.

He worked for several years in a machine tool design company. “It was over 60 hours a week. I didn’t even see my children anymore. I didn’t find myself in my job. Imagine. One day, a customer asked me to add water to the meat. That pissed me off. I refused to do it. That’s when I decided to change my life. But not just any life,” sums up Nicolas Savornin. In his beautiful house in the small village of Mouziey-Teulet, his work now takes place at home. “I had to change and I already had an idea of ​​what I wanted to do. »

He spent his childhood in his grandfather’s laboratory

This new adventure comes from the depths of his childhood. His great-great-grandfather was a pharmacist. “As early as 1880, he treated the population with plants. » But Nicolas had a spark with his grandfather. “He was an outstanding researcher who worked on plants and their molecules. A real genius. He participated in several creations such as Colgate toothpaste. » The child spends a large part of these days with him. “He lived a few kilometers from me. I was always in his laboratory, discussing, understanding. »

Time passes. “At the end of his life, when I was the last of his grandchildren, he left me his laboratory and his recipe book to share his infusions with the whole family. » A few years later, at the age of 25, Nicolas started preparing herbal teas for his environment again, with the knowledge of my grandfather.

In 2020, he decided to create Infuthés. “Of course financially it was a big leap into the unknown. The salary was divided into three. Whatever. I knew it would work because all the boxes were there. » For his grandfather’s recipes, he decided to market the best. “For the others, I have to improve the flavors. » In his laboratory, which is located in the back of his house, there are dozens and dozens of bags. “I work alone with the help of this machine that I upgraded so that it can prepare bags without added plastic. We use filter bags that are made of unbleached paper which makes them 100% compostable, 100% biodegradable and therefore 0% plastic” For raw materials, he works with a herbarium in the Drôme whose father had already collaborated with his grandfather. ” It is funny. “

180 boxes per day

Today, it sells 180 boxes a day, with 25 references. “Our progress is 75% compared to last year. I thought my tea was earning more than herbal teas. It’s the opposite. Infusions represent 67% of my sales.” They respond to the cute names dreamer, lazy, greedy… “It has become very modern. » Nicolas Savornin is now present in 300 sales points, some of which are in Paris. It is true that it works well. I hope to increase to 500 boxes/day as soon as possible.” The main thing is not only there. Our young entrepreneur is happy. He lives from work that respects the environment and its consumers. He enjoys his family while earning a living. Now is the time to let it go. November and December are his two big months. “Today is the time to bring in the cash,” he concludes.

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