AI: startup DEEPIA automatically interprets medical biological analyses

Entrepreneurship – AI: startup DEEPIA automatically interprets medical biological analyses

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With the goal of unlocking the untapped potential of medical biology, DEEPIA is developing a revolutionary artificial intelligence (AI) platform designed to facilitate collaboration between medical biology laboratories and healthcare professionals.

Medical biology, although a major source of medical data, is often not used to its full potential. With 1.3 billion analyzes per year and involvement in 70% of medical decisions, the field still suffers from a lack of effective exploitation. More than 60% of detected anomalies have not been sufficiently investigated, which represents a significant challenge for this field.

Interpretation of medical biology

Founded by a team of engineers and physicians, including Maxime Langevin and Dan Ringwald, DEEPIA offers a digital solution for the interpretation of medical biology. Their artificial intelligence is capable of automatically analyzing 90% of common anomalies in biological assessments, enabling fluid communication between biologists and prescribers through a platform accessible on both PC and smartphone.

People at the heart of technology

DEEPIA’s technology, while at the forefront of innovation, puts human expertise at the center of its system. Recognizing the importance of human interaction in medical interpretation, the startup aims to complement, not replace, the judgment of healthcare professionals.

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Impact on health care

The DEEPIA platform promises significant improvements in the quality and efficiency of care. By speeding up interpretation, diagnosis and prescribing, it helps doctors and laboratories save valuable time and reduce diagnostic errors. This advance represents a significant gain for both healthcare professionals and patients, guaranteeing faster and safer treatment.

Recognition and support

DEEPIA has received several recognitions and supports, notably the Deeptech designation by the BPI, its participation in the Medicen network, the France Biotech association and its success as a winner of the BPI’s Innov’up Leader PIA call for projects. and the Île-de-France region.

Start-up DEEPIA will be present at the Biological Innovation Days on November 17 and 18 in
Palais des Congrès de Paris (Start-up area – stand no. 65).

Alexander Bodkin

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