Luc-la-Primaube. The end of the mandate of the young elected members of the Children’s Municipal Council

Elections for the new children’s municipal council will be held on Friday, November 24.

29 children of municipal councilors, elected for a period of 2 years at the end of November 2021, who come from the CE2 and CM1 grades of four city schools, represented proportionally to the number of students, met last Friday with their parents, the Municipal Council room in the Luč town hall for the last session of his mandate. Mayor Jean-Philippe Sadoul, Ghislaine Vayssettes, Florence Petit, Cathy Colonges, Véronique Douziech, Guilaine Cavalié in charge of the Children’s Municipal Council and other present elected officials, godfathers of young municipal councilors, welcomed them. This was an opportunity for the mayor to give an overview of this mandate with the help of slides: raising awareness about food waste, a visit to the company Ansamble in Baraqueville that prepares meals for two municipal canteens, the operation “Plant your tree”, from the planting of a landscaped hedge along the departmental road that connects La Primaube with Luc and the replacement of several chestnut trees victims of the drought, a visit to SYDOM in Millau which relies on 2 sorting centers to promote products from a selective collection, participation in various ceremonies at the war memorials of La Primaube and Luc, the inauguration of the attached town hall in the presence authorities of the Department, a welcoming ceremony, the morning celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Sunday market, Place de l’Etoile in La Primaube, citizens’ eco-days… The godfathers and godmothers then presented their young chosen one with a joint photo, the latest municipal newsletter and words of thanks from the mayor on the investment and desire to implement civil actions in the children’s municipal council. This session ended with a snack and a friendly drink in the presence of the parents.

Elections for the new children’s municipal council will be held on Friday, November 24.

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