Kheops, a young startup from Nice, wants to be the French alternative to ChatGPT

AI is becoming a key factor in our economies. Everyone says that, except that here in front of me I have the manager, Thierry Hazan, co-founder with his partner Nadia Khedrougui of Kheops, a very promising start-up from Nice, undoubtedly one of our best cards for this very important sector. I knew Thierry in another life, he is a repeater and a talented entrepreneur who has proven himself in many sectors such as the digital sector, dental care or real estate. But with Kheops, what he puts together with his collaborators is quite extraordinary.

In the pleasant ambience of the prestigious Parisian business restaurant, Flandrin, Thierry invites me to a nice refresher on artificial intelligence. And honestly, I needed it.

Many talk about artificial intelligence, but no one knows exactly what it is.

Let’s distinguish between two types of AI. First of all, classic artificial intelligence, as we know it, which is based on algorithms, facial recognition and which was mainly used to solve specific problems (security, autonomous cars, etc.).

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With ChatGPT, among others, putting AI at everyone’s fingertips, a new era is opening, that of generative AI. AI capable of generating elaborate content now. A real revolution for the world of information and technological research with millions of applications in all fields. The companies were not wrong because already this year 70% of French companies have used AI at least once.

The race against time has truly begun. To generate good content, you still need to integrate as much data as possible. The American leader ChatGPT has already integrated as many as 175 billion parameters into its database, which is equivalent to the content of more than 60 million books. In Dubai, local company Falcon has 67 billion parameters. There are already several hundred companies around the world that want to offer their model of generative artificial intelligence, that is, capable of generating their own content.

A real element of national sovereignty that prompted the government to announce a large call for projects. “‘”We, at Kheops, participate although we have no illusions about the result against the giant consortium Thales – Bpifrance or INRIA,” says Thierry Hazan, 57 years old ISC realistically. He has already succeeded in numerous businesses in the digital sector, dentistry and real estate. With Kheops, we have a great advantage: building the first generative AI operator, 100% French, based in Nice, powered by a mainly French-speaking base and above all guaranteeing GDPR data protection. »

Based on 15 billion parameters, a number significantly lower than the number of ChatGPT, Thierry Hazan answers: ‘Yes, but we will structure and sequence the operation and the questions much better to have even more relevant content!’ ‘For our clients, it will be a matter of carefully tailoring their queries so that they first rely on the company’s sources of information to respond more coherently. And that in complete safety! »

All this deserves confirmation. One thing is certain: the Kheops project seems to be one of the most strategic and advanced to succeed in our economy’s great leap towards artificial intelligence. The future is built by walking.

Robert Lafont

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