Enfoiros: these Toulouse students dedicated to fighting food insecurity

the important thing
Students of engineering, computer science, civil engineering or mechanical engineering: Enfoiros are here. A friendly club of students from INSA Toulouse, which has been working against food insecurity and for Restos du coeur for 23 years.

This year, 100 “Enfoiros” collected 42,000 euros, donated this Friday to the association created by Coluche. Iyad Daoudi, an INSA (National Institute of Applied Sciences) final year MSc student in biological engineering and head of the club explains: “To raise these funds, we organize events throughout the year, such as quiz or game nights. We also organize dance and singing performances and organize markets. Last year, this allowed us to gather 2,000 spectators for nine performances.”

Collected 50 kg of food

Enfoiros also went door to door in student dormitories looking for hygiene products and food items to donate to Restos du Coeur. This collection made it possible to collect 50 kilograms of goods. They are also partners of companies such as TPF inženjering or Forsko, which are not afraid to do a good deed. “Toulouse City Hall also supports us a lot. They helped us organize charity races in the last two years. Last year, 600 people took part. It was a great success,” continues Iyad. At the end of 2023, these big-hearted students will organize a solidarity lottery, which will also collect funds for the most vulnerable: “We are very pleased to see this wave of solidarity, to see that students on campus are happy to join the causes of social problems that we defend. It is heartening to carry out all our actions and help restaurants.” Enfoiros also provide musical entertainment during the distribution of meals in the streets, and reserve a concert edition for volunteers who provide moral and human support that does good.

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