Dubai Air Show: Flying taxis ready to take off | African news

Flying taxis, soon in the air of our cities.

Examples of the device were presented at the Dubai Air Show. The main innovation at this technology exhibition.

From the United States to India, via the United Arab Emirates, this machine straight out of science fiction is getting ready for real flight in 2025. That’s the promise from Archer Aviation.

“What we used to think of as science fiction is now science fact. It’s happening, it’s real. And you’ll see it in the market in 2025.” Confit Billy Nolen, Archer’s Aviation Safety Manager.

The world leader in electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft is about to launch a revolutionary taxi to the market; and above all very clean.

“We designed it around this business case for operating in urban environments, for example from the airport to the city centre, towards something completely sustainable with no emissions. It’s environmentally friendly. It has about 100 times less sound signature than a conventional helicopter, so it’s also very friendly towards the neighbors.” Added by Billy Nolen.

Flying taxis will use existing helicopter routes. Theoretically, they are safer, cheaper and more environmentally friendly. It charges in six to seven minutes, enough time to disembark passengers between two trips, and its range is about 160 kilometers at a speed of 240 kilometers per hour.

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