CSR: electricity supplier Enedis tested its first low-carbon project in Aveyron

In Sainte-Radegonde, Enedis, as part of its connection with the housing estate, experimented with its first “green” construction site in the department.

The project of connecting electricity to a residential area, no matter how big it is, is not enough to make headlines. If not for its innovative approach to environmental issues.

And this is the case for that of Les Idylles de Rodez subdivision in Sainte-Radegonde. Recently, despite the pouring rain, elected officials, managers of Enedis and the company Cegelec, which also operates in this location, met to highlight the innovative approach. For Enedis Really, this is the first low-carbon project in Aveyron.

57% reduction in carbon footprint

A project that serves as a test, as explained by Cécile Mozer, Regional Director of Enedis, and David Ricordel, CSR Manager for Enedis Nord-Midi Pyrénées.

In particular, this project, taking into account the measures taken, results in a reduction of the CO2 footprint by 57%, “i.e. 8.6 tons of CO2 were not released”we explain to Enedis. “The reuse of excavated material on the construction site is the measure that has the greatest impact on the site’s CO2 footprint”, explains David Ricordel. The use of alternative fuel for vehicles, the use of a mini electric excavator or an electric rammer also, which also allows to reduce noise, to optimize the delivery of materials, by doing two runs of 30 tons instead of nine runs of 6. or 7 tons, are part of these directions that are carried out.

Reuse of excavated material, alternative fuel, etc.

Of course, from an overall point of view, satisfaction is there. The fact remains that this test site, and that was his role, highlighted the need to push the thinking a little further. “The electric mini excavator needs to be returned to the workshop so that it can be recharged”, points out Cécile Mozer, highlighting, for example, the adaptations between urban construction sites and those in rural areas.

This type of construction site will become the norm

In any case, this connection to the power grid, which also made it possible to install pipes for public lighting, should become a standard in these areas. Especially since in general, “the difference in the price of this project compared to a normal project is not disproportionate”, explains Cécile Mozer. Who concludes: “Enedis’ approach to corporate social responsibility goes beyond its role as manager of the national electricity grid. It is focused on three fundamental objectives: providing a public service with a positive impact on the planet, women and men and the territories.”

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