8 tips for creating an environment of trust

Silent giving up, presenteeism, absenteeism… phenomena are specific to the work environment and employees’ perception of their work. The principle of resentment has been added to this list.

In the context of an unprecedented economic crisis, French workers may harbor resentment towards their jobs. But how can we as managers fight against this growing phenomenon? What does resentment even consist of? Where does it originate?

As is often the case, in order to best control what may at first appear to be out of control, defining and recognizing the signs of resentment for managers is obvious.


Resentism: is it serious, doctor?

What is resentment in business? This French-speaking term comes from the English ” resent “translated” insult“. So, the employee experiences resentment a rather pessimistic state of mind about his professional life. Anger, demotivation, resentment, frustration, disappointment…are the emotions that go through a worker when he thinks about his work or goes to the office.

However, he will not resign! And this is the whole point of resentment: affected employees don’t feel good in the office, but they stay there anyway.

Resentism: what does it look like?

Not being particularly cheerful in your professional life can seem quite common. Not everyone has the opportunity to work on their passion, to have an inspiring job, where everything goes perfectly, where the salary and missions are harmonious, etc.

So, the resentment is only manifestation of this frustrationall the more so as the affected employees remain within the company.

Negative emotions…

Do you speak positively about your work? Certainly not! Workers who experience dissatisfaction have a very negative view of their position. They do not hide it from others at all, which makes it the main characteristic of this phenomenon. Demotivated, frustrated, angry, so many daily negative waves, fed day by day.

…and contagious

The terrible thing about resentment is that people thrive on it spread your bad vibes to others. It is common to say that a positive and motivating environment tends to have a positive effect on an individual. The same applies when it comes to harmful atmosphere!

A drop in productivity

How can you be productive and efficient in the office when just getting there is a real pain? Employees affected by resentment do not progress at work, so they are satisfied with it do the minimum.

Resentism: but why do it to yourself?

The question is this: if employees no longer like or dislike their jobs, why don’t they leave? This trend, set in motion by the global pandemic, does not seem to be appealing to workers who are embittered.

The reasons given?

  • The need for maintain financial stability, for yourself, your family, your children.
  • But also the lack visibility facing the future and the economic crisis.
  • There is also a fear of unemploymentwhen workers have never faced it in their life or precisely because they have already experienced it and are afraid that they will not find a job quickly (due to age, crisis, etc. blocked sector, etc.).
  • It is added to this fear of change : quit a job you don’t like anymore, fine, but move towards what? Change position? Change sector? Individuals by default do not perceive change well because novelty implies a lack of control over the situation.
  • The lack of recognition for the work done.
  • There general pressure in the office, whether it comes from the hierarchy or the daily work that needs to be done.

Quitting a job therefore becomes a risk which the unhappy workers do not want to take.

Resentism: what consequences for your business?

Resentism can have negative effects to your activity, all the more so when you know that one and the same person can spread his vision all around him.

  • Increasing absenteeism : dissatisfied in the office, employees no longer hesitate to take sick leave or be absent for one reason or another.
  • Significant traffic: if employees who experience resentment find it difficult to leave their jobs, they may induce others to do so!
  • Expensive recruitment: faced with a lack of productivity, you will undoubtedly need to hire new people to complement your team’s expertise, and this comes at a cost.
  • More important errors: demotivated, less productive employees will tend to make more mistakes because their concentration is elsewhere.
  • Growing tensions within the team which therefore imply less strong cohesion among employees and weakened team spirit.
  • Less appreciated brand image: it will affect the way employees talk about your company! They won’t appreciate it around them.

Resentism: what can you do?

What power do you have to control your teams’ discontent? How to easily help an embittered employee? Explanations.

Listen to your team

Being a team player remains essential as a manager. This way you can better understand expectations and needs of your employees to offer them tailored support!

Review your management

Management implemented within the company plays a role in perception associates. Too much authoritarian, and your employees risk leaving. Too much limp and your employees will not know which way to go. Positive, caring, cross-functional management is essential!

Be optimistic, present, attentive, rewarding, transparent and your colleagues will repay you.

Enable professional development

Faced with the economic context, employees need to project yourself. If they don’t have the opportunity to advance, change position or raise their salary, they risk developing resentment towards the company. Professional development contributes to the development of each person and a sense of achievement.

Offer training

Offering training to your employees allows them to escape from everyday life, but also to feed themselves that sense of accomplishment and pride. Gain skills, improve in one area, discover another… training motivates professionals and limits their sense of frustration. Of course, it is important that they can choose the trainings that interest them the most, and not impose them by default.

Appreciate everyone’s work

Valorization and recognition remain essential. This fosters the respect of employees, it boosts their confidence, but also helps boost their motivation and overall development.

Valorization of work is a sign of respectand from consideration for time, energy dedicated to the project, for the company’s interest. You will know all too well how important it is to value your employees when they decide to leave you, despite their talents, precisely because they do not feel they are being treated according to their fair value.

Promote team spirit and cohesion

Working atmosphere friendly, inspiring, motivating fight against employee dissatisfaction. They must enjoy coming to the office, interacting with their colleagues, share simple but authentic moments, in joy and good mood.

A sense of belonging promotes well-being at work and also strengthens cohesion! Everyone is valued and understands their role in the strategy to be implemented for the benefit of the company. Plus, when things are “not so good,” employees can support each other and boost each other’s morale!

Be flexible

To promote an inspiring and above all motivating work climate, the demonstration of flexibility becomes crucial in 2023. This requires the possibility remote work, set your schedules or adapt them to personal/family requirements. It also allows your employees to‘organize their days as they wishbeing reactive in the face of life’s mischief, etc.

In short, results must count more than how employees work… If some need peace, music, isolation, regular breaks to refocus, let them do it! As long as it is done properly and the goals are achieved, clearly.

Raise awareness about burnout and work-life balance

Finally, fighting resentment seems key here again raise awareness among your employees about general well-being and the risk of burnout. To do this, we have to show them an example, on the one hand, to open the discussion about topics that are sometimes considered taboo, to allow everyone to look at their own situation, to balance their personal and professional life.

Knowing that work does not require sacrificing personal life for success is always rewarding for an employee. He does not feel trapped, stuck in an everyday life that does not suit him. He feels that he can enjoy his life without having to work hard.

(Photo: iStock – Peter Cade)

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