China-US: the long-awaited summit in San Francisco

The recent series of interactions and dialogues between China and the US have sent positive signals for the stabilization of bilateral relations, paving the way for the meeting of the Chinese and US heads of state in San Francisco.

This is the first face-to-face meeting between the two heads of state after last year’s meeting in Bali. The two sides will have detailed communication on issues of strategic, primordial and fundamental importance to the development of China-US relations and major issues concerning global peace and development. The world expects that this meeting will restart sincere cooperation between the two countries with concrete results.

Since US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s visit to China last June, the United States has taken steps to ease relations with China. They should be aware that containing and repressing China will get them nowhere, and that cooperation with China remains essential to solving problems such as climate change, regional tensions, and even the recovery of the US economy. After a major detour, the United States had to return to the Bali consensus and agenda.

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The world also expects that the meeting in San Francisco will allow China and the United States to better perceive each other and understand the importance of mutual development. According to China, China and the United States should be partners, not rivals, and should adhere to mutual benefit, not a zero-sum game. However, the United States mistakenly sees China as its “biggest strategic competitor.”

The facts are more telling. At the just-concluded sixth China International Import Expo, the United States federal government participated in the event under an official name for the first time, alongside more than 200 American companies. This perfectly illustrates that the interests of China and the United States are linked to the point that neither can do without the other. As the governor of California said during his recent visit to China, “the more successful China is, the more successful we all will be.”

Currently, the global economic recovery is weak, geopolitical conflicts have intensified, and factors of uncertainty and instability have multiplied. The economic aggregates of China and the United States exceed one-third of the world’s total, their population makes up almost a quarter of the world’s total, and their bilateral trade makes up about one-fifth of the world’s total. How China and the United States get along determines the future and destiny of humanity.

China has always viewed and developed its relations with the United States in accordance with the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation. The meeting between the heads of state of China and the United States of America in San Francisco once again demonstrated the sincerity and sense of responsibility of the Chinese side towards Sino-American relations, as well as world peace and development.

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Observers hope that the United States will break away from the old model of great power rivalry, free itself from the influence of partisanship and the self-interest of politicians, and engage in a rational and pragmatic dialogue with China. Because the stabilization and further improvement of Sino-American relations depends on joint efforts.

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