Castelnaudary. The municipal youth council visits the municipal police

the important thing
Some children from the city communal youth council visited the premises of the municipal police. An opportunity to discuss security issues in the broadest sense of the subject.

The Youth Municipal Council (CMJ) visited the premises of the municipal police in the presence of Mayor Virginia Rossignol.

It was as part of their commitment to the local council for safety and crime prevention (CLSPD) that they were invited to a guided tour and a detailed explanation of the missions of the community police.

“At one of our working meetings with the young elected officials, Pierre Barbaud, the municipal councilor in charge of security, came and presented the children with all the measures implemented in the city. Then the young elected officials could He wanted to form a special commission within the CLSPD to represent young people in the city,” explains Audrey Gaïani, municipal councilor in charge of CMJ. Who better than young people to talk about youth-related issues?

That’s why they got involved, to talk about their problems related to safety, school violence and all situations from everyday life that have a link with their safety.

Before convening this first working commission made up of 9 young elected officials from the CMJ, they spoke with Virginie Rossignol about the protection of the Chaurian population and asked all the questions that came to their mind. “We were able to find out that there are many surveillance cameras in the city with devices that guarantee our safety, especially when we leave school or college,” says Yang-Long, a young elected official.

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