ARCEP tirelessly monitors Moov Africa Togo and Togo Cellular.


The Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Posts (ARCEP) conducted a national campaign to measure the quality of mobile services (voice and internet) from November 3, 2022 to January 13, 2023, which revealed that two mobile operatorsdespite multiple arrests, they still do not meet regulatory compliance thresholds. More specifically, THE non-compliance rate it is 63% for Moov Africa Togo (Maroc Télécom group) and 51.4% for Togo Cellulaire (Axian group).

In the face of these serious and continuing violations combined with the slight improvement in quality of service observed over the last eighteen (18) months of about 5% for Moov Africa Togo and 8% for Togo Cellulaire, On March 14, 2023, the ARCEP General Directorate opened sanctions proceedings against Moov Africa Togo and Togo Cellulaire.

After the opening of the sanctioned procedure, in accordance with the procedural rules prescribed by the regulations, an investigation phase followed during which the two mobile operators had access to all measurement data.

Based on the investigation report, the board of directors of ARCEP at the session of May 31, 2023 and after deliberation, decided to notify Moov Africa Togo and Togo Cellulaire and give them a period of six (6) months make investments and implement the necessary corrective actions for compliance with regulatory indicators of service quality and thresholds under criminal penalties.


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