Water supply: LCDE equipped with a high-quality analytical laboratory

The infrastructure was built as part of the water tower that was built next to the Brazzaville hospital and university center. It is a modern laboratory equipped with specialized devices of the new generation. Equipped with multi-purpose functions, it will enable LCDE to carry out better analyzes of water to ensure its potability before being placed on the market.

In addition to water analysis, this laboratory also enables the analysis and quality control of agricultural and food products and their certification. An approach aimed at promoting access to the Congolese market for quality products.

Satisfied with the project, the relevant minister believes that this laboratory comes at the right time because it will enable the Congolese to consume quality water.

This laboratory will guarantee the health of the Congolese based on the quality of the water and products we consume. There are two laboratories here, one physicochemical and the other microbiological. From now on, all products intended for consumption must pass through here to receive a certificate before being placed on the market. Therefore, we are satisfied with this project,” the Minister of Energy and Hydraulics, Emile Ouosso, confided.

For his part, the head of European Union cooperation in Congo, Augustin Bondo Tshiani, indicated that the project is part of the process of offering the population quality agricultural and food products.

This laboratory has capacities for physico-chemical and microbiological analyzes of water and agricultural and food products. Financed by the European Union in the form of a donation of 350 million FCFA, i.e. 500,000 euros, the aim is to strengthen the technical capacities of the LCDE in order to enable the proper implementation of water analyzes and quality controls. the quality of agricultural food products to facilitate trade “, he indicated.

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