This occupation is one of the most favorable in France, does not require a degree and is employed throughout the country

RTT, bonuses, help with childcare… even without a degree it is possible to enter this occupation which offers many advantages.

According to the Observatory of Inequality, 82% of poor people do not have a high school diploma, and a third of them do not have any diploma. Although France is known for attaching great importance to diplomas, some companies still give a chance to all profiles, especially for jobs such as shop assistant, waiter, maintenance agent or multi-skilled worker. However, among the professions that are open to people without a degree or those who do not have a degree higher than bac+3, one is particularly interesting in terms of advantages. Here are a few:

  • Allowance for childcare up to 3 years of age 100 euros gross per child per month
  • Vacation bonus of 400 euros per year
  • Annual bonus for non-executives on average 400 euros
  • Annual operating bonus in the amount of 12.8% of the monthly salary
  • Profit of 400 euros if common goals are achieved
  • Additional contribution of 300 euros gross per year for 1,500 euros deposited in group savings
  • 60% coverage of company mutual insurance by the employer (compared to 50% mandatory)
  • 22 days of RTT per year
  • Special prices for trips with, for example, the return line Paris-Lyon for 2 people 18 euros instead of 388 euros.

This “train manager” or “train salesman” job for SNCF is what is commonly called a “controller”. However, its missions are not limited to the control of transport tickets. The controller must also inform the passengers, ensure their safety and check the cleanliness and operation of the facilities in the vehicle. If a diploma is not required for practice, a job description SNCF however states experience of more than 3 years in trade or customer relations. However, this requirement varies offers from job to job. Some mention “interesting experience” in this field without specifying the duration, others a shorter experience.

Regarding the salary, for the TER train manager in Metz we find between 29,940 and 31,940 euros gross per year, and for the train salesman in Tarbes, 24,700 to 31,800 euros gross per year, i.e. salaries between 1,605 and 2,076 euros net. This includes a variable representing up to 25% of the SNCF controller’s salary. A widespread practice in the retail sector, but not always unanimous among employees. In an interview with Le Parisien, Alex, the SNCF controller, explained how the absence of a bonus during sick leave forced him to return to work against his doctor’s advice. In terms of seniority, in the 22-year-old group, he reported an income of 2,300 to 2,500 euros net per month with a variable.

Although SNCF has 10,000 controllers in its workforce, it still hires several hundred people a year for this position. There are currently almost 30 offers online across France. Job search mobility therefore increases the chances of getting a job. Furthermore, Pôle Emploi states that 1,000 “public transport controller” offers are published each year (not limited to SNCF) and are followed by 940 job seekers.

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