Telecommunications: abolition of roaming charges between Togo and Ghana.


Togolese mobile phone users traveling to Ghana and those from Ghana to Togo will soon be able to communicate at a lower cost without changing SIM cards thanks to the abolition of roaming charges.

Indeed, to implement the ECOWAS Regulation C/REG.21/12/17 relating to free roaming within the Community, a bilateral memorandum of understanding for free roaming for internet calls and data was signed on November 1, 2023 in Accra, between Mr. ANOKYE Joe, Director General of NCA Ghana and Mr. GALLEY Michel Yaov, Director General of ARCEP Togo.

This signing took place during two days of work that brought together in Accra the two regulators and representatives of Ghana’s mobile operators, particularly MTN, Airtel, Vodafone and those from Togo, in this case Moov Africa Togo and Togo Cellular.

Effectiveness of its implementation from 1this one March 2024, will result in a very significant drop in prices for travelers from Togo visiting Ghana and vice versa. Indeed, thanks to this protocol, for a Togolese roaming in Ghana:

  • Receiving calls now becomes free during the first thirty (30) consecutive days while currently charging 240 Fcfa per minute on Togo Cellulaire and 207 Fcfa on Moov Africa Togo;
  • Transferring calls will now cost 8.67 CFA francs per minute while it is currently 279 Fcfa in Togo Cellulaire and 550 Fcfa in Moov Africa Togo;
  • Internet consumption will be charged at a maximum of 1.6 CFA francs per MB while currently charging up to 8400 Fcfa in Togo Cellulaire and up to 200 Fcfa in Moov Africa Togo.

With the support of the government, ARCEP will continue its efforts to increase similar agreements with other countries in the UEMOA/ECOWAS region, such as Benin and Ghana, to realize the vision of mobility and digital integration.


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