Six-figure salary, food, accommodation, laundry: you can apply for this dream job in the Virgin Islands

Go live on the other side of the world, fed, housed, paid and with a big salary. That’s what Fairfax & Kensington, specializing in top service staffing, offers. Spotted this announcement The Independent, refers to a place for two people, a couple, who must ensure the maintenance of an entire island in the Virgin Islands, east of Puerto Rico and north of Guadeloupe and Martinique. Paid dream job 180,000 euros per yearexcept for food and accommodation.

The package also includes a return flight so the couple returns home, but they will only be allowed to do so once. In the ad, this position is presented as “an exciting opportunity on a newly acquired private island in the British Virgin Islands”and in addition to maintaining the island, the happy couple will have to “actively promote” especially thanks to “a unique campaign aimed at attracting “barefoot luxury tourism” while the island is undergoing a significant transformation”.


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Solid experience required

Quite a program for this “best job in the world”, but a couple should not be twiddling their thumbs in the sun with such benefits. First of all, although the offer is attractive, it is not intended for everyone. Above all, you must have solid experience in the concierge field luxury real estate, be able to manage a team, have knowledge of luxury real estate maintenance, communication skills, work independently or already have professional experience in the Caribbean.


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If you meet these criteria, you can send your CV to And above all, as a sign of the changing times, accompany it with a video of at least two minutes posted on TikTok with the following hashtags: #barefootluxurybvi #fairfaxandkensington. Whether you get this is up to you “exceptional opportunity” !

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