Sino-French companies embarked on an ecological transition in Shanghai

Zongmu Technology CEO Mr. Tang Rui (far left) participates in a roundtable discussion (photo courtesy of organizer)

Business leaders or their representatives in China discussed the actions and latest solutions of China and France in the field of ecological transformation, in order to find space for cooperation between the two countries.

China and France maintain good cooperation in the joint fight against climate change. During his state visit to China last April, French President Emmanuel Macron emphasized the importance of Sino-French cooperation in this area and its positive role in the world. The two countries intend to devote themselves to further deepening of cooperation.

At one of the round tables dedicated to “Energy Transformation”, Mr. Tang Rui, founder and CEO of the Chinese company Zongmu Technologie, spoke with Mr. François Lemal, Advisor for Sustainable Development, Energy and Transport of the Embassy of France in China. For his part, he believes China is leading the transition to a clean energy society, with demand fueled by rising solar and wind power generation, as well as a growing market for electric vehicles and large data centers.

“China’s innovations in relevant fields, from advanced manufacturing technology to system integration and new business models, are inseparable from the promotion of the country’s new energy policy,” Tang Rui stressed. As the impact of climate issues becomes more apparent, the world needs a coordinated approach to achieve the common goal of carbon neutrality. And China and France should cooperate more closely in this sense, he continued.

According to this Chinese entrepreneur, Zongmu Technology is currently working on a new solution that combines autonomous driving technology with charging and energy storage, which can establish a new clean energy network without changing infrastructure costs and without modifying the structure of the building. This method, he added, can also use more flexible and efficient fast charging technology for a wider range of application scenarios, achieving an organic combination of protecting human heritage, energy transformation and the application of new technologies.

Etienne Tang

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