Secure your first steps in an incubator: the promising example of Philippe Jayat

At the end of 2021, Philippe Jayat (56) left his job as an electrical technician in order to cat bowl carrier design. A connecting activity love of woodworking and cat people.

If Chérien senses the existence of a market, there is no question of jumping without a net. In the spring of 2022, he will join business incubator Cher, Solen Angelsin order to “test his concept to the full extent within the legal framework and without taking any risks”.

“To be accepted, I had to present my project, forecast report, potential markets, my strategy…”, Philippe Jayat, founder of Miaouh.

As an “offshoot”, Philippe benefits from a legal, accounting and tax framework that allows him to start his business without taking any steps. “I don’t need registration. Solen Angels is lending me its Siret number“, he appreciates. In turn, a percentage of its turnover takes an incubator.

Learn to take action

Being a business manager cannot be improvised. Solen Angels allows Philippe to worse skills with someone collective and thematic training : marketing and sales, management and accounting, legal… “All the baggage needed to implement my project”, he summarizes.

To this is added a individual and personalized support with a reference advisor. An opportunity for a future entrepreneur to speak website optimization and SEO, which only sells online. “I feel supported, it encourages me!”

Philippe also benefits from the advice of other “young men”. “We don’t work within Solen Angels, but we meet for training sessions and we’ve created a group on social media.”

He is a craftsman bound to the incubator by contract, Cape, which allows him to stay for a total of three years. However, he thinks he can get back on his feet long before then. “Today I went through all the items and clearly defined my project. The activity is slowly starting. I hope to start by the end of the year.”


What is Cape?

Cape, for “business project support agreement”, allows any person who wants to start or continue an activity to benefit from the support of the organization, which undertakes to provide them with help and material resources, as well as financial resources for the realization of their project. It is contracted for twelve months, with the possibility of extending it twice. Temporary employees, beneficiaries of the social minimum, job seekers and independent associates of directors of independent companies have the right.

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