Offering immersive workshops: the example of tanner Carolina La Loggia

Working with leather? Call among La Loggia. Her husband, Alexandre, manages the business that was handed down to him by his father, center of Metz. Son, Nathan, Companion of duty, is ready for download. Between them, Caroline, creative, in search of areas of expression.

Confined in shoemaking, at home, in Foville (Moselle), she opened a small workshop “for making bags, trinkets for the shop window…”

The desire to transfer and diversify becomes urgent: “I suggested workshops open to the public on our site, but it took a lot of time. All the time we spend in front of the computer is wasted somewhere else.”

Very diverse profiles

Seduced by the Wecandoo concept (read below), she is finalizing her project with the platform consultants she contacted in 2022: profitability, schedules, pricing, design, etc.

Time to practice. Caroline sets up a bright workshop, next to her own workspace, and invests along the way : a substantial work table, a cutting board for each person, a fine selection of leather “pulled from the house stock”, basic tannery equipment (slices, sanding edges, polishing machine, claws, etc.).

“I had to do tests, measure the time myself… Gestures that seem simple and instinctive to us are not for beginners”, Caroline La Loggia.

“Explaining is not a problem for me, but we have to give the participants – with very different profiles – time to do it, while moving forward at the same pace. I have adapted my practice and redirected the use of several tools to make the work easier, but this does not reduce the final result! “, she says.

Running in…

Now offers two workshops via the platform – make your own leather bag (€190) or leather belt (94%) – where Wecandoo takes over 20%a ticket to take advantage of their well-established communication tools and increasing visibility.

“In my estimation, to be cost-effective, I aim for one workshop per week with a minimum of two participants.”

Despite its flexibility, it still experiences some difficulties at the moment : find a place among the offer, attract the public in a rather remote area and find the right niches. “I can’t free myself on Saturdays, for example, because there are a lot of people in the cobbler’s shop.”

But the desire to transfer remains persistent. Caroline is already envisioning a near future where she will be able to organize this type of workshop in local schools…


What is the principle of the Wecandoo platform?

The platform offers, through immersive workshops, the opportunity to discover artisans, in their homes, for a few hours, to share their knowledge and experience and leave with your own creations. This moment of exchange also offers professionals the opportunity to increase your monthly turnover and acquire new customers. Criteria ? Being a KV craftsman (VSS or at least two years of experience), full-time and own premises (so that they can receive citizens). The concept of “matter transformation” or the idea of ​​creation are essential so that participants can leave concretely with something in their hands.

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