Lorraine. Victoria, a final year student in Verdun: “I’m not closed to anything”

Victoria Joffrin, 17, comes from Muzeray north of the Meuse. A fifth-grade student at Margueritte High School in Verdun, she spent her university years in Bouligny (55). “I am half writer and half scientist!” “, she laughs. In fact, in addition to the common core in her final years, she took SES specialties, economic and social sciences and history and geopolitics. But also complementary mathematics as an option along with Euro English and sports.

His future? “It’s a little unclear,” she confides. She wanted to become a “veterinarian, teacher, beekeeper…” as a girl. However, she chose “communication and management, but it’s not definitive yet and it’s not 100% certain,” explains Victoria Joffrin. “At the university, I was convinced that I would pass the science exam and become a veterinarian. In second grade I discovered math and physics and I changed.” And then she discovered the profession of veterinarian by experiencing it first hand. She “directly or indirectly touched the professions” she considered. at 3e, Victoria discovered the world of firefighters, will not go this way, but perhaps working “for defense: army and gendarmerie”. She hesitates.

“Everything suits me”

In the second grade, she took the SES in terms of discovery, “I found it interesting.” Victoria now seems to be heading towards Corporate Communication with BUT GEA (Business and Administrative Management) and “why not enroll in ISCOM (Communication School)? »

Orientation has not been easy since high school. “The guidance counselor’s tests were inconclusive,” like other tests. “It’s left very unclear even on the internet.” Victoria smiles: “I’m a little lost, it’s stressful for those around me, but not for me! I like everything and have made wishes in different areas.”

Victoria is also very active in the life of the institution. She is the vice president of CVL, the Council of Delegates for High School Life, which has 20 elected officials in the high school around projects for students during the year. “There are also round tables for the presentation of specialties to seconders,” she emphasizes. “Or theme days to create better understanding within the school.”

More immersions and internships from high school

For Victoria Joffrin, college orientation should be a little different than it is with “more immersion and more internships earlier.” Prioritize “job openings, this is the best source of information”.

Like her friend Coline Palanson, orientation takes place through websites, but also through “free apps that allow you to communicate directly with professionals,” she explains. “We have a description of the people who do that work.”

Another source of information: “Student associations on social networks.” It’s better to go through people than through websites.” With that in mind, student fairs take the top spot. A place where students and the teaching team come “to present their school by talking about negative and positive points”.

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