January 1, 2024: changes (already) known


MaPrimeRénov’ is developing…

The incentive for energy renovation will be divided into two pillars:

  • Efficiency, for eliminate energy-intensive heaters (oil, coal or gas) in favor of heat pumps or even pellet boilers;
  • Performance, for accelerate energy renovations sizes.

The government hopes to achieve 200,000 effective renovations in 2024 (compared to 90,000 in 2022).

Because of this, the global renewal bonus will be more attractive to the most modest households and to owners energy filters.

Another new feature: in order to successfully complete each major renovation project (and get a bonus), households will have to go through the MonAccompagneteurRénov system.

…and MaPrimeAdapt’ begins

This bonus, closely linked to MaPrimeRénov’ (to combine energy renovation projects and those for adaptation to aging), will actually centralize three already existing aids:

  • “Living easy” from the National Agency for Housing (Anah)*,
  • “Habitat of the living environment” of the National Old Age Insurance Fund (Cnav),
  • tax credit for autonomy (which covers up to 25% of the costs associated with the installation of equipment for housing accessibility).

The state plansadapt 680,000 homes to aging over the next ten years.

* This assistance remains valid for all procedures initiated in 2023.

More information

Gas boilers come from SIE

The decision of October 4, 2023 deletes the file Bar-TH-106, which refers to individual boiler of high energy efficiency.

The installation of a water heater is therefore no longer acceptable CEE bonuses (energy saving certificate).

Also to remember…

  • Development a draft multi-year work plan (PPPT) becomes necessary for co-ownership comprising between 51 and 200 parcels.
  • THE Diagnostics of energy efficiency (DPE) of the entire co-ownership, becomes mandatory for buildings with more than 200 units.

Limited environmental bonus

Today, that bonus amounts to €5,000 for the purchase of an electric car (7,000 for low-income households), to which it is added write-off bonus (up to €6,000). Aid that indirectly subsidizes the Chinese car industry, which has a growing influence on sales in France, according to the state.

Exclude from the bonus the vehicles whose production is the most polluting (and the most distant).

A precise list is expected in mid-December…


Retained one-time employment assistance of €6,000

The unique bonus for the employment of a young person based on work and learning is retained in 2024, under the same award conditions as before: €6,000, regardless of the company or the age of the trainee.

The good news that Carole Grandjean, Minister responsible for Vocational Education and Training, had in store for the audience of the 1st Apprenticeship Conference organized by CMA Francehead of the network of trade chambers.

License from 17 years

This new measure should support the autonomy of young people, especially when they are on an apprenticeship.

Furthermore, an aid of €500 paid to trainees for finance their license it will also be extended to secondary vocational school students.

>> Our entire article on that topic!


Pôle emploi becomes France Travail

Transition year for this a new entity which, from 2025, will ensure the reception, guidance, support, training and placement of job seekers or people with integration difficulties. Increasingly relying on the state, local authorities, local missions (young people) and Cap Emploi (disabled).

+5.2% for pensioners

Old-age pensions are indexed to inflation and reassessed every January 1. For 2024 the increase will be 5.2%all schemes together, i.e. in favor of 15 million pensioners.

Supplementary pensions managed by Agirc-Arrco were increased by 4.9 percent on November 1.

Bio-waste is better managed

As part of anti-waste law for circular economyeach community must have identified solutions to implement sorting at the source of individuals’ food waste and ensure that it can be recycled (biogas, compost, etc.) and not sent to landfill.

>> Our entire article on that topic!

Extended loan with zero rate

For the entire year 2024, a loan with a zero rate (PTZ) increases to €100,000 (compared to €80,000 previously).

It extends to middle class (earnings between €2,500 and €4,000 per month) i 210 additional citiesor 6 million more eligible people.

More information

Back to “normal” for restaurant vouchers

The use of automatic meal vouchers when checking out at the supermarket will no longer be allowed.

As before the Covid-19 crisis, in which the terms of use were extended, directly consumable items only pay via vouchers for meals: sandwiches, ready-made pasta, salads, fruit, jars, instant soups, etc.

>> Our entire article on that topic!

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