Fantastic job: a web app that leads straight to the trade

This fun tool offers 14-25 year olds are looking for professional guidance discover craft occupations.

And what better ambassadors than interns to demonstrate, through video statements, everything wealth of the sector and how fulfilling is their journey?

After being attracted by a certain interest, a young visitor can get it in just a few clicks information on required trainingthen be contacted directly by the advisor orientation of its territory, in less than 48 hours, which will guide it according to the corresponding CFA.

A real “butterfly net”

In addition to this “orientation” component, this tool also has the advantage of being a new channel for employment of craft managers under great influence labour shortage.

Apprenticeships are proving to be the preferred route to employment more than ever, as evidenced by this figure: 80% of apprentices trained in the craft sector sign an employment contract within seven months of obtaining their degree !

A good reason to widely encourage young people who are still wondering about their future to test this tool…

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