Campusart 2023: applications open until February 29

In order to apply, interested individuals will need to complete a quick and interactive online application process. In other words, applicants will first have to fill the form on the website between November 2023 and February 2024.

Then, between February and April next year, Campusart network academic institutions will conduct telephone interviews with various pre-selected candidates who have previously completed an online form.

Ultimately, after these various phone calls, between next April and May, candidates will be authorized to take the prescription. And practically in the same period, different applicants will receive their original prescription certificates.

Please note that Campusart is a network of institutions providing advanced training in the art of architecture. Also, Campusart benefits from the support of the Campus France agency, the French Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs as well as the Ministry of Culture.

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