Bump, Squeezie’s agency, is partnering with Marmeladz to better monetize its creators’ content

The two companies have created Jump to distribute and monetize content from influencers represented by Bump on Snapchat, Facebook and TikTok.

Help content creators better monetize their videos. This is a bet that the production company Bump makes in partnership with the platform Marmeladz, which specializes in the distribution of video content from creators on social networks such as TikTok, Snapchat and Facebook. Founded by YouTuber Squeezie (real name Lucas Hauchard) and also managed by Josh Roa, Bump is behind various successful platform events, most notably the GP Explorer car race. Together, the two entities formed a joint venture called Jump, which officially launched this Thursday.

The goal is that our creators, who make quite long videos, can offer them elsewhere“, Josh Roa, Bump’s deputy director, explains to Le Figaro. Thus, Jump will offer about sixty content creators represented by Bump, such as YouTubers Mcfly and Carlito, Henry Tran or streamers Billy and Gotaga, to distribute their videos on other social networks. “ With our workforce and our tools, we start from a person’s original video to take the best clips or adapt it to popular formats on Snapchat, TikTok or Facebook», explains Adrien Aversa, founder of Marmeladz.

5000 videos produced per month

Based on these needs, we will create accounts on these social networks on behalf of the creators», he continues. “For example, we’ll offer exclusive content from Mcfly and Carlito or even Squeezie on Snapchat Discover, a social network they haven’t been on before“.

Each month, Marmeladz produces and distributes the equivalent of 5,000 videos to the hundred content creators it supports. For the production of the videos in question, the company consists of about thirty people, most of whom are editors. This is the same team that was sent to Project Jump. And, a similar method: “on every social network where we create an account for an influencer, someone supervises the editors and monitors the video production», explains Adrien Aversa.

Creators have access to a dashboard to monitor the distribution of their content on social networks managed by Jump. Screenshot of the jump

For their part, Bump agency influencers have access to a dashboard to see what content is being produced at what time on social networks managed by Jump. “ We offer them, always before creating an account in their name, a graphic charter and pilot content that we plan to distribute on the social network we manage.“, assures Adrien Aversa.

Tools for creators

Therefore, for the influencers in question, this tool is a way to expand their community and earn additional income. “ One of the influencers we have been following for a long time, for example, in just one year we brought 1.5 million subscribers by distributing his content on Snapchat discover and Facebook», underlines Adrien Aversa.

And for the agency Bump, Jump is a way to increase its expertise in the “Creator Economy”, this economy of content creators. “With Jump, we have a new string to our bow to grow the careers of our creators and their traffic», confirms Josh Roa. For each video that Jump produces for an agency influencer, Marmeladz and Bump will take a percentage of the revenue it generates.

With an estimated turnover of 30 million euros by the end of 2023, Bump is also behind various commercial operations. “ We have many other internal projects for the coming year“, underlines Josh Roa, but for now he refrains from further words.

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