4 out of 10 French people do not know that they are entitled to several hundred euros for accommodation

It is often necessary to convince the landlord to get accommodation. However, only 60% of French people are thinking about claiming tidy sums.

Every year, housing is one of the main issues of autumn. This time is the beginning of the school year often synonymous with move-in and move-in. LStudents want to be closer to their universities, young people leave home to set up their own homes, and workers who find a new job settle near their next workplace. As a result, demand for housing is exploding in many cities. However, in the current context, the only way to get an apartment is often to rent.

In fact, it is currently difficult to become an owner. Households are caught between, on the one hand, purchasing power undermined by inflation (4.6% in September) and, on the other, real estate interest rates that keep rising and rising.

However, the rental market is also saturated. Under the effect of the Climate Change Resilience Act, houses rated G in the DPE (diagnosis of energy efficiency) will no longer be rentable in 2025, and those rated F from 2028. Landlords are therefore avoiding letting them for rents that will be wider than that and are working to bring them up to standard or want to sell them.

As a result, many municipalities are witnessing completely unprecedented tensions over rent. According to a study conducted by LocService, in certain cities there are between 6 and 10 rental requests per accommodation, which classifies the area as in deficit. In such conditions, it is essential that the applicant does not neglect any detail that may present his case to the owner.

However, this is a mistake made by almost 4 out of 10 citizens. Indeed, “37% of the French do not ask for the housing aid to which they are entitled,” the Observatory regrets. This non-regression rate is even much higher among students, as 72% of them do not think of applying for these social benefits. Currently, only 12 million French people benefit from benefits such as APL, ALF or ALS.

However, this housing allowance is a clear advantage when putting together a rental application file. Sometimes this help reflects a certain insecurity on the part of the recipient, which allows their file to be moved to the top of the pile. This is especially the case with hostels or dormitories. In other cases, the owner can favor the request of the user of the housing allowance, because the latter is guaranteed by OSRH, and even more so by the state. So they will definitely receive rent every month.

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