Six-figure salary, food, accommodation, laundry: you can apply for this dream job in the Virgin Islands

Six-figure salary, food, accommodation, laundry: you can apply for this dream job in the Virgin Islands

Go live on the other side of the world, fed, housed, paid and with a big salary. That’s what Fairfax & Kensington, specializing in top service staffing, offers. Spotted this announcement The Independent, refers to a place for two people, a couple, who must ensure the maintenance of an entire island in the Virgin Islands, … Read more

Can an employee take leave for breastfeeding?

Can an employee take leave for breastfeeding?

Is breastfeeding leave for workers included in maternity leave? There is no special leave for breastfeeding in France There is no legal leave for breastfeeding. Only some collective agreements have this type of leave implemented, like the audiovisual collective agreement, for example. Leaving after a pathological birth In that agreement, it is stipulated that “upon … Read more