Unemployment insurance reform: towards reducing rights for entrepreneurs?

Unemployment insurance reform: towards reducing rights for entrepreneurs?

A bad surprise for French people who would like to start as entrepreneurs. In the agreement reached on Friday 10 November on the new unemployment insurance contract for 2024, the social partners want “return more efficiently compensation for job seekers who establish or take over a company”. A desire that is materialized in their text … Read more

Unemployed, the systems you need to know to track and finance your education

Unemployed, the systems you need to know to track and finance your education

“My clients? Managers are sometimes on the verge of burning out, sometimes the employer thanks them» explains Kirsty Voisin, head of Version Originale, a language teaching and training organisation. Maxime Leprêtre, 43, a former business and marketing analyst at Place du Marché, is one of them. He has been training business English for several weeks … Read more